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Tag: fetch

It doesn’t print the names on screen with fetch call

I have to call the data from the given URL with fetch call. It should print the name of academy in and student names in on screen but when I click the button nothing happens. I know maybe its a huge code and it takes time but I would be grateful if someone could help me. Thank you in advance.

Node express API not get in response?

I have created a node-express API. And I request using fetch like this In Network tab I got the same JSON object send from server. In console log of resonpse it print below things…. How can I use the JSON data that send from the server? Answer To get the actual data, you need response.json() like this to actually read

how to get data use fetch API correctly in vue js?

I’m trying to fetch data from the backend using the GET method, but I always fail to get the data. I get the following error: CORS header ‘Access-Control-Allow-Origin’ missing. I don’t know how it happens because I tried to use POST method to my backend it worked. Here’s a capture of my browser tools When I use fetch to get

Setting localStorage using fetch

I am creating a weather dashboard and am trying to save the city name to local storage. I already have the logic written to have the city post in the history section I just can’t get the data to stay there after I reload the page. I have checked and it is saving to local storage but just not retrieving

Why then doesn’t keep the order of the callbacks?

I have the following code: I thought that the output should be first ‘123’ and then ‘should wait’. From unclear reason the ‘should wait’ is printed first. I thought that the second then won’t start until the asynchrony function (setTimeout) won’t finished. I read that this is all the “magic” of using Promise and then. Now i’m very confused. Why

how to reverse fetch images from nasa APOD api in react

** I fetched content from API with this code** and output of this code is like this and I want Button here with next and then that will show previous day images so can anyone tell me how to reverse that means after clicking on the next button by reversing the previous day images will show because NASA APOD(astronomy picture
