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Tag: express

TypeError: Router.use() requires a middleware function but got a string at Function.use

I’m new to Node and ExpressJs development, however, I cannot import a module router created by me as an exercise. It gives me this error: I have already tried the module.exports solution, but it doesn’t work. The initialize function also fails. Here are the versions I am working with: Node version: v10.19.0 Express version: 4.17.2 Index.js ProgettoRouting.js Answer You need

Express GET request not reloading page

I’m trying to send the client the next HTML page (create.html) as a response to a GET request (fired by button) using fetch. I am purposely trying to avoid using a form due to formatting issues and potential future scaling issues. The code registers that the request is sent, received, and is responded to with the file but it simply
