i want to get the value of this variable outside the function const custDetail = await registeredUser.findOne(req.params); Answer Edit a simple way to pass data to another function using res.locals router: dashboardReq nextFunction
Tag: express
How to rename file in Multer middleware to data I am sending in request
On a frontend I am generating unique ID for every order. Idea is to rename file which user uploads to orderId. Here is my request to server: Here is the server code: console.log(req.body) shows empty object in filename and orderId in app.post(). Here is how it looks: So this cannot be done as far as I understand inside filename. How
FATAL ERROR: v8::Object::SetInternalField() Internal field out of bounds on Node js using node-cache
I have a api export with a lot of data so I tried to used the node-cache so the api will be faster since take more than 2 min to get the data, I am new on this so I found the follow code: Notes: env node js/express Any suggestion or recommend will be great! Answer The solution was using
How can I return my data in this nested promise model?
I have this function, I created it but then I’m getting confused and don’t know how to return the data. I have tried Promise.all() before but it’s seems I do not quite understand it so I have removed it from my code, I don’t know if it’s a correct way to do it or not. I’m following this AniList Node
I’m trying to print form inputs data on the console of node.js, but the console is showing empty Curly braces
I’m trying to get form inputs data on the console of node.js, but, it’s showing an empty Curly brace. I used postman to check whether the data is received or not, it’s working well, data has been received successfully on the terminal console. <——– I have taken the below steps to get the data from POSTMAN ——–> step-1: created a
TypeError: Router.use() requires a middleware function but got a string at Function.use
I’m new to Node and ExpressJs development, however, I cannot import a module router created by me as an exercise. It gives me this error: I have already tried the module.exports solution, but it doesn’t work. The initialize function also fails. Here are the versions I am working with: Node version: v10.19.0 Express version: 4.17.2 Index.js ProgettoRouting.js Answer You need
An interface can only extend an identifier/qualified-name with optional type arguments. ts(2499)
I am trying to create a new extended interface for express.RequestHandler but this error seems to come up. I cannot understand why. The express.RequestHandler interface does not support async functions. It says Here are my interfaces Answer It seems you are trying to extend the express.Request interface. Try:
Express GET request not reloading page
I’m trying to send the client the next HTML page (create.html) as a response to a GET request (fired by button) using fetch. I am purposely trying to avoid using a form due to formatting issues and potential future scaling issues. The code registers that the request is sent, received, and is responded to with the file but it simply
TypeScript: undefined is not assignable to type ‘boolean | ConnectionOptions | undefined
I am working with the below code-block, I built it a couple of months ago in JavaScript, but las week I decided to start learning TypeScript. I cant seem to find how to properly defined the data types. Does any one have any hints or resources that can aid me to solve this issue? this is the exact error message:
Having an issue when using load events on firefox and safari
Both firefox and safari refuses to execute load event when loaded from an external js file. It only works on google chrome. I can’t really understand the problem. in my html : in myFile.js : My html page is serverd by node.js (ejs page), myFile.js is recognized by the 3 browsers (Firefox, chrome & safari), so I don’t really understand