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Tag: express

Res.Render Is Stalling

Sorry if I’m sharing too much (or too little!) I’m not sure how to provide code when it’s contained in multiple files like this. In the small project I have my app.js server using express and ejs. I have a “/compose” route which creates a blog post with a “Title” and “Content”. It then pushes this into a global array

Array of functions with additional arguments in the express router middleware

From the above code, I’m passing an array of functions [cb0, cb1] and each function requires some data attribute of type any and additional parameters like req, res and next. Earlier,I tried passing the data attribute like below format using bind concept. app.get(‘/example/d’, [cb0.bind(data), cb1.bind(data)], (req, res, next) But if I use the bind concept, then how to pass the

why req.body.title shows ‘undefined’

I’m new to NODE JS and practicing with some POST forms from PUG to a NODE JS server. I have a simple form to update a photo title and description posted onto mongodb. When I submit the form from the web browser the submission input comes back to the server as ‘undefined’. These two processes in POST log ‘undefined’: (see

How to access items metadata in Stripe checkout session

When I create a Checkout session, I am creating prices on the fly with price_data and product_data properties. For each item, I am putting metadata in the product_data.metadata property. After payment is successfully finished, I fetch the session data in order to display Payment Successful page to the customer. But for some reason, metadata of the items are empty. Metadata
