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Tag: dom

Mouse click event not working as expected

I’m trying to search for a contact in Whatsapp Web search bar, first I want to focus in search bar and then enter the contact to execute the search. I’m selecting the div with: Dispatch event returns true but has no effect in search box Answer You can just use element.focus() or, whichever better fits the goal (if you

Finding position of dom node in the document source

Context I’m building a set of ‘extractor’ functions whose purpose is to extract what looks like components from a page (using jsdom and nodejs). The final result should be these ‘component’ objects ordered by where they originally appeared in the page. Problem The last part of this process is a bit problematic. As far as I can see, there’s no

How to replace a loop for a loop?

I have a grid made with a preset value that I’d like to have a function that replaces it with a grid who’s cells are generated with dynamic values gotten from a prompt input. The code for both grids work independently if I were to remove the other’s code, but for whatever reason I can’t get the 2nd grid to

How can I get the user’s selection’s center anchor point position (x, y) relative to the document/window?

How can I get the user’s selection’s center anchor point position (x, y) relative to the document/window? I only know how to get selected nodes using window.getSelection(). But not the position: example use case Answer You can use getBoundingClientRect() for this purpose. To get the center point, add the half of width to the horizontal distance from the left edge

Building a keyboard and missing onclick event

I’m building a virtual keyboard with vanillla javascript but don’t know where to add the onclick event listener to the buttons or how to grab them. I have a printKeys function that loops thru the array and prints them onload, and I have an unfinished typeKeys function where I’m trying to grab the innerhtml and print it to the input

Dynamically append the element through JavaScript Dom

Hers’s question which I need answer Exercises: Level 1 Question 1 I tried to append the child dynamically and get the result vertical not in the compact manner as you will see in the question output when you go to the link You can see the code of both HTML and javascript above!!! Do help with the code where I
