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Tag: dom-events

Remove hover effects when scrolling

I have been working on an application. There are multiple components on the page. The content inside them is scrollable. The expected functionality is when I scroll inside the component the hover effects on different elements should be disabled. After searching in the internet I have a working solution. I have created a HoverDisabler component like this, The css for

Flask onchange event or need Javascript framework?

I used to build Microsoft Excel apps using VBA, and events like _Change, _Click,… I first switched to JavaScript and frameworks but I got lost with the asynchronous side. So I moved to Python and Flask, and I like it so much. But when I do frontend, it is hard to build dynamic forms because I dod’nt find nativelly my

Vue.js working with input from a barcode scanner

I’ve stumbled upon an interesting case in a web-module, designed for both user- and machine-input (via a barcode scanner). Here is the code from Vue’s module: The scanner can trigger keyup.enter at the end, but it inputs the barcode so fast, that the model does not update. Only by adding 10 ms delay after the input (custom setting in the

Can I use function generator as event handler?

I have a list of HTMLCollection: And I have a script of JS: My goal is to write a keyboardEvent based on .addEventListener(“keydown”, generatorFunction) method whereby event handler would be presented as function generator i.e. generatorFunction presented above. Is it good or bad practice? Answer Using a generator function directly as an event callback wouldn’t make any sense because calling

Bootstrap button plugin conflicting with Vue checkbox click event

When I add bootstrap.min.js to my Vue application my checkboxes @click event is not being initiated. More specifically when using bootstrap’s button-group with data-toggle=”buttons” If I remove bootstrap.min.js then the checkbox click event works as normal. What is causing this? Link to Codepen Bootstrap Button plugin Answer Vue and Jquery are not meant to be together and

Detect an URL change in a SPA

I would like to listen to path changes in a SPA which is not maintained by me. I found one solution here: But still, it seems kind of “hacky” to me – but still my implementation is like this: Is there a better or more generic way to listen for page loads in a SPA? Answer This did
