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Tag: dom-events

I don’t how why my backgroundImage doesn’t work

Why does my banner doesn’t change her background? Please help me. When I run the file the console tells me: Uncaught TypeError: flechedroite.addEventListener is not a function I really don’t understand. I’m a beginner in Javascript so please explain me with kind words how I can fix this error 🙂 Answer addEventListener should be called in window.onload or in $(document).ready()

Js event inside an other js event mobile device

I’m wondering how to handle an event inside an other one Here is the code I use: You have two click events lv1 and delete. But delete is inside lv1, so when I go for delete, both click events are triggered. On computer, I can fix this by adding a mouseover event to know if I’m hovering the delete or

Block onClick events

Is it possible to block in some time frame (in the example 1s) onClick events after trigger? 0s: onClickEvent 200ms: Block the event 752ms: Block the event 1.2s: OnClickEvent 2.3s: OnClickEvent 2.6s: Block the event How can I do without timers? Answer Just prevent the event from propagating to other handlers.

Realex listener

I am developing a card payment page using Realex Payments’ HPP API with an iFrame for hosting the Realex page. On the Realex request form I have the fields HPP_POST_DIMENSIONS and HPP_POST_RESPONSE set to my URL as follows: Payment page: The hidden field values are used to post back data from Realex, using event listeners, to my page when

ES6 native Promise from Factory Function

I’m doing a deep dive into ES6 native Promises. Along the way I came across some articles that quote Douglas Crockford design choices regarding not using things like new, Object.create, this, etc. Some people are advocating the use of Factory Functions over constructors. I have also learnt that there is a lot of heated debate regarding those choices. So to
