I have cloned divs containing buttons that clone their parents. Upon trying to click the buttons, events are triggered 2n times such that clicking the second clone produces 4 other clones and so on: What could I be doing wrong? Answer A few things. It’s easier to use a deferred click handler. You were cloning all ‘cloneable’, not just the
Tag: dom-events
Prevent Event Listener firing event multiple times
I am using this event listener to fire an event which basically updates my state of Interval in a useEffect and enabling me to go up and down in my table. The up and down approach working fine for me but its firing the event multiple times. This multiple times firing of event causing the top and down events works
Does the event `invalid` only fire once?
I tried to hook into the invalid event for numeric input (which is required), and while the invalid event fires right on loading the page (as all the cells are empty), it does not refire if one fills an input field and removes its content or inputs a letter instead of a number. But I could not find anything indicating
Hide element in VueJs while scrolling
I am making vue project. I want to hide some component while mouse scrolling, but when scroll ends, want to show component again. I know using scroll event, but again doesn’t shows component. Is this possible in vue? Answer I resolved this issue. timer variable is applied.
cloneNode without losing event listener
how can i move my html element without losing the event listener attached to the button? The child button’s event listener does not work after cloning and removing the original element Answer You’ve said you want to move it, but what you’re doing is cloning it, saving the clone, and then removing and throwing away the original. Instead, don’t clone
pointerdown vs onclick: what is the difference?
What is the difference between the onpointerdown and onclick event handlers? Are there any practical differences? Are the events not propagated the same up the DOM tree? Are there some devices that only respond to one of these events? I initially assumed that it is only pointerdown that is triggered in touch devices or with a pen, but onclick seems
can’t remove class after click again
I tried to color the text I clicked on by gave them a class and besides the text I click on the original color is back again, but when I click on the text twice the class can’t be removed. I use toggle class for this issue but doesn’t work. Answer Cache the main list element, and the list items,
Javascript click event doe not work on wordpress
I need to call a function by clicking on some elements. I have tried several ways but it seems that it does not want to fire. the element in question is generated by the “quiz master and survey” plugin on wordpress. Anyone have any idea what the problem might be? Thanks in advance! OR OR Screenshot of Dom: Answer querySelectorAll
How to increase, decrease and reset the counter in dynamic web application
Here we have counter application to increase, decrease and reset the counter by using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, but I can’t getting to do how we can increase the counter and decrease the counter and reset the counter. When the HTML button element with the id decreaseBtn is clicked, If the count is odd then decrease the counter value by
How can i click my html (DOM) and open an existing popup on my Leaflet Map. Im only using Vanilla JS
Im trying to conect my “See in map” (html) with my map and open a popUp that is already created (i click on the map and the popups open). i know i have to use something like but i dont know how to do it. Can anyone help me? Thank you! Answer I see that all of your links have