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Tag: dom-events

Difference between document.hidden vs document.hasFocus()

Please explain the difference between document.hidden , the HTML5 Page Visibility API and document.hasFocus(). I am doing a project which pops HTML5 Desktop Notification when the tab is not focused. I am kind of confused which one to use. Answer The hidden attribute is defined like this: On getting, the hidden attribute MUST return true if the Document contained by

How do I bind react events from a mixin?

I want to write a simple mixin for a tooltip. I already know how to bind my mixin to DOM events: …but I’d like to bind to the React events instead, to take advantage of its consistent event system. How do I do it? Answer I think you probably want to do this in the render method of the mixing

How to create a JavaScript template engine that doesn’t destroy events attached to the template?

I have been evaluating a lot of different client-side JS template engines (doT, parrot, dust.js, microtemplating, underscore, etc). They all work similarly, using some type of tags to represent data, and with some giving the ability to embed pure JS into the template, including loops, if/then, etc. However, they all work by converting the template itself into a string, then

Should I use window.onload event

Perhaps this is a duplicate question, but I wanted to ask. I want to make a JS application that does not use third party libraries, for the purpose of learning JS events within a browser. So I structured my app like this: My html page looks something like this: Though I send window.document to my immediate function, digitsField tag is

JavaScript registering events handlers externally

I have decided to remove all calls to JavaScript event from the html form elements to an external file. In doing this i registered an event for each item. However access the elements attributes using ‘this’ can no longer be used what I have decided to use is for value attribute and for name attribute. I think this
