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Tag: docker

Express Sharp install via Docker issue

I need to use sharp. Its work fine on my workspace but if I deploymeny via docker then I get error. I am implementation all steps. I think sharp is prebuilt when first install. It uses the architecture of my computer(darwin, arm) But when it runs on the docker, although it gets built again, the work talks about the architecture

Can’t access Adonis from Docker Container

I use Docker to contain my Adonis app. The build was success but when I access the app, I got ERR_SOCKET_NOT_CONNECTED or ERR_CONNECTION_RESET. My docker compose contains adonis and database. Previously, I use the setup similar with this for my expressjs app, and it has no problem. The adonis .env is remain standard, modification. This is my setup: I couldn’t

NestJS controller not mapped

So I have an API that will be deployed in a docker container. This API has the authentications controller, simple and not something special. When I start up the API in development mode on my local machine, the auth controller will be found and everything is working fine. Same for building and running it on my local machine. But when

Docker is not accepting proxy api server

i get the following error, when doing a docker-compose up. The app is running but cannot make any api post/get requests. The express server is using port 5000. ] [HPM] Error occurred while trying to proxy request /api/users/user from localhost:3000 to http://localhost:5000/ (ECONNREFUSED) ( Despite having the react proxy set up, the error persists. setupProxy.js Dockerfile docker-compose.yml package.json Answer I
