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Tag: date

Timezone sensitive date comparisons in Javascript

I’m determining the difference between two calendar dates in Javascript in an Ember app. I’m currently using date-fns’s differenceInCalendarDays. Now that mostly provides the desired results, the only issue is that I need to handle calculating the difference between 2 dates that is sensitive to a timezone (not the local timezone to the browser). As far as I’m aware JS

JavaScript error with formatting Date objects

I am receiving a very specific logic error in my code and I am not sure what is causing it. I have a function formatDate() which gets the current date and puts it in the format yyyy-mm-dd. To achieve this, I have to add a “0” to the front of the month or day when it is a single digit

Select next object based on Date

I’m trying to Loop through an array and pull out the closest/next meeting object Chronologically. Each object has a Start and End time but I want to know what is the current event OR the next event that’s going to happen. Failing that to get the last event. e.g. This is what i have so far: Answer Try this function

How to Joi-Allow an empty Date String [Joi]

as the title states, how to allow an empty Date-String through Joi validation. When adding: it gets the Issue: message: “”Date” must be a number of milliseconds or valid date string” with this Joi-Validation: Question: How can an empty Date-String be allowed through Joi validation? EDIT: By removing: .required() and or adding .default(“”) i do get another error, when adding

How can i set the date to the beginning of calendar

I want to set the time to the 1st January 0000 and time at 00:00:00 i tried to calculate a lot but i’m unable to set the date to the beginning point. I am setting the date with negative sign like this – new Date(-4000) but setting the year to 0 gives me only the 1900 so how can get

Calculate dates considering public holidays and weekends with moment.js and moment-business-days

The aim of this application is always to indicate the 16th business day of each month (means taking into account working days and public holidays). For this I use moment-business-days, which is a moment.js plugin. It calculates dates and considers working days and (preconfigured) public holidays. I use it as follows and for some dates it gives me the right

set a value in react-datepicker dynamically in react

I used react-datepicker. I tried to set the value of react-datepicker from the value which I received as props from another component but either it didn’t show the value or it shows a blank page by saying ‘wrong time format’. Datepicker code: I checked the console and found that props were received successfully by the date picker component but still

How to convert Date format like this Fri Apr 20 2020 00:00:00 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time) to 2020-04-20T00:00:00.000Z in Javascript?

I have a Date format like this “Fri Apr 20 2020 00:00:00 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time)” I want to convert that above format to this format 2020-04-20T00:00:00.000Z Actually I tried this JSON.stringify(new Date(“Fri Apr 20 2020 00:00:00 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time)”)) while using this am getting the output one day before 2020-04-19T18:30:00.000Z so please anyone help me to convert this
