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Tag: ember.js

Dynamic template arguments for an Ember component

I’ve run into a situation with a glimmer component that renders a LinkTo component within. The issue is that LinkTo treats the case where @model={{undefined}} and the case of omitting the @model argument as 2 different cases. This is because the default value for it is a special value of UNDEFINED. When this happens the component uses JS to make

Ember input type number to allow only 2 digits after Decimal

I am working on an Ember application, an input type number as below Then I have a following JavaScript Code written to limit the entry of digits after decimal, this function is called in Key-Down event. Its working but what it is doing it, it allowing 3 digits after decimal but when I am posting its value on the Service,

Timezone sensitive date comparisons in Javascript

I’m determining the difference between two calendar dates in Javascript in an Ember app. I’m currently using date-fns’s differenceInCalendarDays. Now that mostly provides the desired results, the only issue is that I need to handle calculating the difference between 2 dates that is sensitive to a timezone (not the local timezone to the browser). As far as I’m aware JS

Dealing with touchMove events in iOS and Ember

I’m adding iOS support to an Ember application which uses Flame.js. Most Flame.js widgets don’t have built-in support for touch events at the moment, so I’m working on adding it to the ones I need. I’ve got touchStart and touchEnd working just fine for clicking and certain state transitions. However, touchMove has been a mess so far. I need it
