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Tag: date

How can I subtract 1 month using moment.js?

I want to subtract 1 month from a given date in (DD/MM/YYYY) format, but when I do that using moment.js, it gives me the result as 01/12/2020. How can I resolve this? Basically when I click on the left-arrow, the month should be subtracted by 1 every Answer How can I subtract one month using moment.js? tl,dr; initial answer: Here’s

Angular template interpolation

Angular version 11 I have a template which uses a method of the typescript file which returns the current date time. The thing is that if in the interpolation of the template I call this method, the first time I render the page, it works properly, but after 1 minute, the value should change to the next minute… which it

Error using new Date() in react Native is not a constructor

When I use new Date(); in react native to create a new date or time I get the error: TypeError: undefined is not a constructor (evaluating ‘new _reactNative.Date()’) What could be causing this? Is there something I am not importing into react Native? Answer There are several issues here that are fogging things up. First of all, classes in React

query mongoDb to substract timestamp

I want a query to subtract day from a Date. I test this: {“lastSeen”: { “$gte”: {“$date”: { $subtract: [ “$date”, 1616000000 ] }}}} But doesn’t work. I have this error on Gamesparks. Error parsing JSON. Please use valid JSON, including double-quotes on object keys. Any ideas. Thank you. Answer As this is a JSON file, you will need to

JavaScript – Converting text variable to Date

Im working on a React project where im sending HTTP POST request to my API. Inside the API, my entity has a field which is type of DateTime (.NET). In my React app though my date variable is a text. Example: let dateText = ’18-03-2021′. Im trying to figure out how can i take this text and make a Date

How can I set Date object to null in Javascript?

I am trying to set check_date to null I tried but none of them are working for me. How can I achieve this? Code Answer You can’t set a Date to null. Date is an an embedded JavaScript type. Setting date to new Date(0) just sets it to Unix Epoch. You can, however, set a variable to null. This should

Subtraction of dates in seconds in JavaScript

I have a form with mathematical operations, the user has the right to select two dates and perform a subtraction operation. To do this, I need to translate each date into seconds and read the seconds. I cant get seconds with date format like this Answer Convert the invalid date string on the server or like this

Vuetify tooltip refresh/rerender on hover

I have a vuetify tooltip component. In the tooltip I have a {{date | moment}}. I get a static a few seconds ago. I want every time I hover over the button, to refresh the button tooltip to the current elapsed time (10 minutes ago for example). I can’t figure out how to rerender the tooltip on hover with the
