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Tag: datatable

Can I export two dataTables into a single pdf with pdfmake

HTML I want to export the below two dataTables into a single pdf with single export button. Both the dataTables have different columns so it cannot be merged. CSS Java Script I want make changes in this dataTable jQuery functions in such a way that if I click on single button both the dataTables data should be exported in same

Update DataTable when doing fetch call

This is the table i want to apply DataTable on : In my basic code, i have a dateRangePicker that displays the calendar, and based on the interval of dates chosen, there will be a fetch method to my server to fetch data from the database and display them in the table. The problem that i have is regarding the

Add aria-label to table header in datatable

I am creating a data table in which there is a checkbox in the header, clicking on it will select all the checkboxes of the row. The issue is that checkboxcolumn is getting rendered in aria-label as well. The snippet below will tell you what is getting rendered: You can see the content of the header and aria-label value are

How to return in DataTable

I created project in laravel with data table on it. I want to return a div value as progress bar in my column. But, only text shown in my table, not the progress bar. Here is my controller here is my view I want to add Bootstrap Progress in each progress column, is that possible? or something wrong in my
