I have wanted to make a button that is aligned horizontally underneath the text that says “Bubbles”. I have tried flex already and in the snippet I try it with transform but regardless of what I try I wont get the desired outcome. So please Help! Whole code Answer Since you’ve got the container class but aren’t actually using it,
Tag: css
Animation in CSS/JS
What links would I need to have this animation work properly on any other IDE’s? Does anyone know? The animation works fine here: https://codepen.io/ksu/pen/VwZQmGR But if I were to use it on any other IDE, then what header links would I need for it? It does not seem to also work here, since WOW is not defined, but this is
how do I fix the total amount of pixel used from a grid in css?
I’m sorry if this is a repeated question and I’d like some help cause I’m a noob. I created a grid. But every time I enter a different number, it uses a different total amount of pixel. I want the height and the width of the body that contains grid to stay exactly the same size no matter what the
Add class after 2 second and remove after 7 second in loop
I want to add a class after 2 seconds and remove it after 7 seconds and when remove again add the class after 2 seconds and remove it after 7 seconds Answer This is done by javascript and jQuery without using CSS keyframes.
Jquery Submit is causing a serious issue while processing the callback function
I’ve made program via which I am trying to create grids after taking value for number of boxes in rows and columns. When I submit the form by clicking on submit button; I’m unable to view effects as they disappear in seconds. Now when I handle the same event using click event handler I am able to see all my
Precisely formatting a cast list for narrow browser windows
I need to format a “cast list” (a series of person/role pairs) on a web page in a way that approximates professional-looking results when a line’s text is wider than the available space in the browser window. But I’m not sure if I should be looking at CSS flexbox, grid, JavaScript, or something else, or if any of these are
Pretty Printing the structure of nested SASS Maps?
If we have nested maps in SASS (an Angular Theme for example) we can log the contents of it with @debug however it outputs everything in one line. Anyone know if SASS has something that will pretty print the structure of nested maps? So for example if we had: We could do something like To log the structure of it.
change footer size by id
I am trying to run a function that changes the margin-top size according to what is being displayed. However, it doesn’t seem to be working? also tried this Thank you Answer document.getElementById returns the element (if it exists) or null, not a boolean (true/false). You can simply do if(heading) { … } as your condition. Here’s a snippet based on
How to get value of a child based on the text of another child within the same JavaScript parent
so I want to be able to get “Text B” from the table below using Cypress but have tried many things and I can only get “Party B”. I have been using cy.get(div[class=”table”]).contains(div[class=”label”], “Party B”).click() to click on the text for “Party B”, but don’t know how to click on the other child of the same parent. Answer To get
Would there be a shorter version of this part of code in JS / CSS / HTML programming?
A question in JS / CSS / HTML programming! Again, I’m not good at asking the question pinpoint, and sorry for all the confusion. I shall talk about my real intention for this part of code, and see what solutions can be made. I’d like to invite the users to input characters, which will be thrown into part of the