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Tag: css

Unsmooth sliding-up animation

I have created this page and when the “got it” button on the top panel is clicked, the panel will slide up and disappear while the page will also move up to cover the panel space. I have noticed that when the animation plays, it is not that smooth as white space can be seen in the split second that

Css element does not become active

I’m new to Css and javascript and currently working on a simple project (kinda like a weekly task manager). I created text/html page which contains navbar, 7 dynamic <ul> with “Add task” and “Delete Task buttons”, and each <li> inside of those lists can change it’s state to .active on click (when task is done). However, if i put li

Character Teleporting to side of screen when trying to move

I’m very new to HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. My darthVader character keeps on teleporting to the side of the screen any time I try to do any movement. I think this might be a problem with my CSS. Also I am open to any and all suggestions for changes for this project. Whether it is efficiency, layout, or any math

Why does my content disappear when using scroll

I have a list of servers in a scroll container name servers and the top of the list is hidden under the navbar: HTML: CSS: This list starts empty. divs are added to this list of servers when you use the site. When too many divs are added, scrolling starts. But the problem is that the top objects are hidden

Why is my card overlapping the fixed nav when I hover it?

I have a problem when I hover my article with class=”card” name inside my div class=”container”, it looks like the article overlaps the nav. How do I fix this without removing my transform scale in .card:hover? I want to make it without overlapping with the nav when I hover over it. If anything is missing from the snippet, you can

How to make active button color in jquery?

This is the code I use in Elementor to make a custom tab section. All thing is working but my active tab does not show any active color. I want to make tab active color like the navigation menu active color. Answer you can create class “active-button” and add to your element when get actives. } and when other buttons

I am getting a 404 error when attempting to load a background-image from CSS. Unsure how to proceed

I have searched through several posts regarding this same issue but none seem to resolve my problem. I am getting this 404 error in my console: index.css:1 GET http://localhost:5500/assets/css/assets/css/Battleship-Wallpaper.jpeg 404 (Not Found) I have the image saved in .jpeg format inside of my CSS folder. I am attempting to link the relative path and set the background image like so:

Button changing newest div item instead of the correct

I created a div table of sorts, where there is a button, and that button creates a box, and what is supposed to happen is that you can click any of the {x} boxes and it colors it black However, instead of coloring that box black(or white), it colors the newest one black(or white). How do I change this? HTML:
