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Tag: charts

Highcharts Display Xaxis plot line

How can I enable only the left most Highcharts XAxis plot line on DateTime Line chart. I suppose there should be a default option to display XAxis line without needing to know the minimum/start value My progress so far -> }); Answer You need to change the dafault value of the lineWidth property. Live demo: API Reference:

custom chart using google sheets data

I’m new to this, so please bear with me πŸ™‚ I have a google sheet with columns: ‘Name, A-Score,T-Score, R-Score, P-Score’ Scores are numerical values from 0 to 20. This data needs to be converted to a special, but very simple graph which i don’t think is available in the existing sheets charting options. I’ve tried to write some code

invert x and y axis Google charts

Consider the starter multiple line chart in google charts: This plots a graph like this: link cool. But is there a way to plot this so that the x axis shows the dollars and the y axis shows the Days? Thanks! Answer use the following option to rotate the axis’… see following working snippet…

Get HTML Table Data into Bar Chart

I’ve been messing around with some database data that I’ve imported into an HTML table. Then I decided that I needed to get that data into a bar chart. Is there a way I can do this? If so can you show me how to do so? HTML (warning code snippet doesn’t actually work here, but it does in my

How to change the initial value Chart.js-RangeSlider? [Solved]

The Chart.js-RangeSlider doesnt starts at the initial value given (1901, 1910) and shows the chart: What i’m searching is changin the initial value, and get the image below: The code: Answer Solved The initial value has to be in range of the length of the data (0 to 112 in my case): Solved:

How to hide value in Chart JS bar

i try to hide the value inside the bars of my bar chart. The reason for that is that i placed the value on top of the bars, and the value should not be shown twice. I tried different options to hide the value but it did not work. In the following you can see a screenshot, i want to
