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Tag: chai

Compare arrays of Errors in Chai

I have a validator method that returns an array with Errors. I want to create a unit test that compares this errors, but I can’t use expect(fn).to.throw since I don’t throw the errors, just return them. This is my approach but I get AssertionError: expected [ Array(2) ] to have the same members as [ Array(2) ] Previously we used

Why do these sinon stubs resolve to undefined?

I’ve written a unit test for the following code and stubbed the browser methods (read: web-extension API) using Sinon (more specifically: sinon-chrome, a dated but still functioning library for my use case). The unit test: The tests fail due to both the stubbed methods returning undefined, but the Sinon docs state quite clearly that stub.resolves(value): Causes the stub to return
