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Tag: hardhat

Error HH8: There’s one or more errors in your config file: * Invalid account: #0 for network: mumbai – Expected string, received undefined

Error HH8: There’s one or more errors in your config file: Invalid account: #0 for network: mumbai – Expected string, received undefined Invalid account: #0 for network: mainnet – Expected string, received undefined To learn more about Hardhat’s configuration, please go to Neither two previous answers worked for me: * Invalid account: #0 for network: mumbai – Expected string,

Importing ethers via Hardhat fails despite official testing documentation

According to the official testing documentation for Hardhat, ethers should be available implicitly within the global scope; however, it can optionally be required explicitly, like so: This fails for my local project. My package manifest seems to include the correct dependencies: My unit tests file seems to match the worked example in the Hardhat documentation also: Despite this, running the
