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Tag: canvas

Update images in canvas input type file jCanvas

Im using jCanvas to make flyer editor with jQuery : In my javascript, first i call my function initCanvas() to add layers to the canvas and it work well when the page load. As you can see in my demo, you can change text, date and time but when you want to change images with setLayer() function, the background

FabricJS: Vertical Align text center

I am using fabricjs 1.5 and I am stuck on aligning the text in the middle of the line vertically. I am using this code to set the line height It changes the line height of text on canvas but text always remains at the top. I want it to be in the vertically middle. Please help. Answer You need

Collision in canvas javascript game

I added collision to my game but I have a problem. But first I´ll give you some background. I have this: On update(); function I have this: That is used here: Note: wPlayer and hPlayer are the width and height of the player, as the animation is done through a spritesheet. xPlayer and yPlayer are the positions of the Player
