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Tag: bootstrap-4

Increasing the size of a bootstrap checkbox

I am creating a simple check box with the code from the official bootstrap documentation: I am wondering how to make the checkbox larger than it currently is? I have tried editing the css of customCheck and changing the height and width properties, but that does not increase the size of the box. Answer It is not a good idea

Get Bootstrap’s current theme colors in Javascript

My objective is to create charts using chart.js using colors that match the current chosen Bootstrap 4 theme (there are multiple available for the site) My current strategy is to have a badge of every color on the page: and then use jQuery to pull the background colors into an array: I can then give this array to chart.js to

Can’t resolve ‘../node_modules/bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css’?

I am trying to use react-bootstrap-table2 in my project to create a simple bootstrap table, but am getting the error: Failed to Compile: Module not found: Can’t resolve ‘../node_modules/bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css’ in ‘/Users/xxx/Documents/xxx/src/routes/home’. I did install all the necessary packages and verified that bootstrap.min.css exists where it should. My code looks like this: My package.json file looks like this: Any suggestions for

Bootstrap 4 Navbar Collapse doesn’t work

I have a problem with Bootstrap 4 navbar collapse feature. I set it so that the navbar collapse in mobile viewport but instead of collapsing, it shows the items as a vertical list. This is the code: I’m using a customized version of Bootstrap 4 (compiled from scss). I tried to use the standard version and it does show the

Bootstrap 4 File Input

I am struggling with bootstrap 4 file browser. If I use custom-file-control I will see Choose file value all the time. I would like to change the value of choose file after the file has been chosen. This value is actually hidden in css .custom-file-control:lang(en)::after and I do not know how to access and change it in javascript. I
