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Tag: backbone.js

How to catch form submit with Backbone.js

When I test and click my apply button after I put in data in my input fields, I get a file not found error. The Login button is a dummy button with no functionality to it. I want to only display an alert box that says “You logged in as (user name here) Succesfully!!!” after apply is clicked. Answer Why

Typescript error : A ‘super’ call must be the first statement in the constructor when a class contains initialized properties

I have the following typescript errors in my project.. let me share a sample so you can see what am dealing with. This is the class that extends the controller class.. one among many others Now, if I initialize the merchandisingConstants before the super call like done above. I get the following error during gulp and my page does not

Custom mouse events in backbonejs

What would be a good way of supporting custom mouse events? For example, I currently have: But instead of mousedown, I would like to create a custom event called mousedrag which would be a combination of mousedown and mousemove. Is there any recommended way of adding such a custom event? Answer Since Backbone element events are simply jQuery ( or

Ways to save Backbone.js model data?

I am more into front end development and have recently started exploring Backbone.js into my app. I want to persist the model data to the server. Could you please explain me the various way to save the Model data (using json format). I am using Java on server side. Also I have mainly seen REST being used to save data.
