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Tag: backbone-events

How to catch form submit with Backbone.js

When I test and click my apply button after I put in data in my input fields, I get a file not found error. The Login button is a dummy button with no functionality to it. I want to only display an alert box that says “You logged in as (user name here) Succesfully!!!” after apply is clicked. Answer Why

Custom mouse events in backbonejs

What would be a good way of supporting custom mouse events? For example, I currently have: But instead of mousedown, I would like to create a custom event called mousedrag which would be a combination of mousedown and mousemove. Is there any recommended way of adding such a custom event? Answer Since Backbone element events are simply jQuery ( or

Backbone and jQuery events

I have a simple task – retrieve click listener function from DOM element. I’ve fased two problems: I have no idea how to obtain event listener, that was set via addEventListener function $(element).data(‘events’) is always empty Talking about first problem – I think it’s not critical as I’m using this function only in one place. But the second problem is

Backbone View events not firing

I am using Rails3 as my backend and Jammit to asset… Now I am trying to not compress and even package the assets. The simple event don’t get run, but the alert(‘asd’) int initialize is working as expected. I have already tried other kinds of events in other objects too, but it didn’t work. My code as follow: and my
