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Tag: axios

Getting JSON object from a arraylist

I have specific problem with axios to getting JSON object from my arraylist, so instead of display my displayName on my nav bar, it display all response headers information, i don’t know why ? : that my json list from my localhost : that my code : Answer Take a look at the axios docs. The response object contains much

Why axios.patch doesn’t change data in ToDoList?

Roughly speaking, I have a ToDoList in which I want to change the written task text. But on demand to find an error. The data from the input that enters the changed text is stored in the state (editingText), with this text I’m trying to replace the value in the ‘text’ column. Does anyone know what could be the problem

Split array data from fetch data

I fetch this data from the api then i want to split this into two array i try using split function but it didn’t work, when i check for array.length, console said it undefined. when i console.log(array) it show like this Help me please. Answer First, This is not an array it’s an object. You can use Object.keys and Object.value
