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Tag: axios

Translating Curl Request with Form Data to Axios

I’m trying to mimic the following request using axios: More information: I came up with the following code: This keeps timing out and not giving me any response, which leads me to believe my request is malformed. Am I doing something wrong in trying to create this request with form data using axios? Answer Paste your curl command into

Pass $route as parameter in axios post request

So I have a vue project with a dashboard that contains many tests and i want to pass the test name as a parameter in an axios request when the user clicks on a button and gets redirected on another page. I already did the first part and passed the name of the test in route as a parameter name

Vue3 + — data incorrectly serialized

Objective: send {“username”: myuser, “password”: mypswd} to an API endpoint so I can obtain a token for further interaction with the API. The code: All of the above seem to pass the post data incorrectly. Using Wireshark, when I examine the request, the data passed is [object Object] when I inspect the request packet. If I run the same call

How do I fetch Weather’s API ‘forecastday’ using axios?

I use WeatherAPI’s service, which returns the weather forecast given the city name The URL looks like this[API_KEY]&q=tokyo&aqi=no After trying to paste that URL into my browser and pasting the result into a JSON beautifier, here’s the result Here’s the weird part. I tried using axios to fetch the information from my app and printing it out, this is

React API not showing the data

I am not able to retrieve content from API every time I reload my page it shows error, please see the attached image, I wanted to find the weather details using Weather API and right now I am using static latitude and longitude. Answer The problem with your code is that you’re trying to render {weatherData2.current.temp} before the data
