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Tag: arrays

React map how to remove empty elements?

I have objects, some of these objects have different properties when the map renders empty elements for me How can I remove these empty elements? maybe you need to use filter or something else? JavaScript_Lessons_Objects.js Lesson.jsx I think the problem is clear when I added to the heading object: [<div> <span className = {jsStyle.title}> JSON OBJECTS </span> </div>], I

Insert SubString in a time input type

I have an time calculator which returns an input type of time in the following format: hh/mm/ss It currently displays like this: When I do a calculate function it return “3:0:0” instead and removes the “0”. How can I change this to be 03:00:00? The “0” must only be added if the h/m/s is less then 10. Here are my

Output Even Numbers In an Array

I want to write a program that receives a list of numbers, converts them into an array, and output the even numbers in the array with Modulus Operator and For Loop. The code does not run as expected: Thank you Answer It’s a matter of incorrect condition. i % 2 would give 0 for even numbers
