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Tag: animation

Center the Mouse cursor inside the circle

I’m Having trouble to center the default mouse cursor inside a circle that follows the mouse cursor here is codepen Demo see this image // Create an html element and append to body // Fuction that create circle to follow the cursor initCursor() Answer Simply remove 50% from each side using

Svg animations replaying in the same spot

I am working on a tower defense game with HTML, CSS, and JS. I want to be able to create svg circles that will follow a path using an svg animation. In order to do this, I wrote this code: The first time I run the attackerSvg function, everything works fine. A circle is created at the start of the

Resizing of button in html/css

I have the following code: I want to resize the toggle button, but the problem is there is no element in the toggle button’s css that controls the height. I am able to control the width of the button, but there is no such element that controls the height of the button. Initially, in the .checkbox label there was height:

making two animations at once in A-frame

For example, by using camera rig, I want to move from A to B then B to C in just one single click. I normally write “to 0 0 0” in the event “onclick”. I want trigger both animations “1” and “1_1”. At the moment it is only the “1_1” that is triggered by a click. I’m using a timeline

Web page components animation

I’m a beginner learning front end development. I’m curious to know and learn how other developers create animated component like the one in below site. Do we have a tool that will let us create this? Where I can learn these? I couldnot find the tool, right search keyword in google, stackoverflow. Many thanks! Answer If you look using

How to replicate jquery animation sequence in vanilla js/css

As the title says, I would like to replicate the animation bellow. the jquery API decibels this default behavior as so: but I don’t understand how the transition works. I have tried changing the opacity, translating the element, ect, but obviously no luck. If it is impossible to do this in a simple way without jquery, an answer for
