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Tag: ajax

Targeting textual data to a DIV on a web page?

I have a web page – index.html on a localhost webserver – split horizontally via DIV elements and a CSS stylesheet into upper / lower panes. Titles (hyperlinked to source HTML documents) appear in the upper split. Task 1. When I click a hyperlinked title, the output is targeted to a DIV on index.html. That is working well. Task 2.

How to “store” data from an API call and refresh it (make new call) overtime (replacing old stored contents) on website

I’m a volunteer for this association/game called FAF. We have a leaderboards ( of players that we get through API calls. However, it isn’t very efficient to make it so everytime someone opens the leaderboard page to make an API call to get the rankings. However, Imagine if 1000 people visit it, that would be 1000 calls to the API

Ajax doesn’t get a success response back after file upload

I just started with Ajax and also tried to find a solution for this. Here is the problem: I upload a .csv to a server. This works just fine. But after the upload “success” in the ajax call won’t respond. Neither does complete or error. It shows nothing. Not even an empty alert. Just nothing. I also didn’t find anything

D3.js rect no display on chart

I started the D3.js challenge on FreeCodeCamp, the problem is that I solved it with the chart but it only gives me a display on the rectum, only one with the width and height that it I put, I’ll show the code below. The entire code on Now, what I need to do to display the charts! I mention that

Convert PHP array from AJAX response to Javascript Object

I’m trying to create a JavaScript object based on a template I received as a test. I use Ajax to get the data from my database but i cant seem to create the object. I’m trying to create something like this object below This is the how i fetch the data from my database Answer Your lines with products[x] overwrite

How to call variabled ajax

I put the ajax call in a variable, how can I call it again and pass some parameters to the data attribute of the ajax?. now I have a date range picker, If i click apply button i just want to call the request variable to be able to trigger the ajax call again and pass some parameters. TIA Answer
