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Matching paragraph with line breaks Regex

What regex can I use to match a paragraph (including line breaks) so when I use split(), I get an array with each sentence as one element? Something like this: I have that regex that returns [“one potatoe↵two apples↵”, “three onions”, “”] but what I’m looking for is [“one potatoe”, “two apples”, “three onions”]. Thanks for the help! EDIT: Each

Change footer regarding on image in discord.js

When the image of an embed is randomized, is there a way to change the footer regarding on the image that is used in a message? I have tried if(images = “[link]”) embed.setFooter(“Hello!”) But then this footer is on every image, not just on one. Now three “=” because of the comment instead of 1 🙂 Complete code: Full code

Loop asynchronosly through array

I have following code: As you can see this does not work. So the content of the for loop works pretty well. It goes through the array and works well, but the for loop itself is the problem. How can I get the for loop wait for the inner content to finish before going to the next key? The timeline

query mongoDb to substract timestamp

I want a query to subtract day from a Date. I test this: {“lastSeen”: { “$gte”: {“$date”: { $subtract: [ “$date”, 1616000000 ] }}}} But doesn’t work. I have this error on Gamesparks. Error parsing JSON. Please use valid JSON, including double-quotes on object keys. Any ideas. Thank you. Answer As this is a JSON file, you will need to

How do I add an list element seperately to 2 lists?

I am pretty new to react. So I have one parent component which has two child components. These 2 children are the lists that should be displayed. So far I figured out how to transfer the data between two lists by checking the status property of the data. I am not able to understand how to add data into the

Javascript – Group array of objects by array of keys

I have this problem, I want to group array of objects, each containing type array, into object of arrays. Start: Desired result Where I am stuck, not sure how to now map that type array 😀 Currently just have a.type[0], which is bad. Answer You need to loop over all the elements of a.type.
