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Local image show not show up in React JS

I’m just learning about React JS and Material UI to create a dynamic web application. I’m using ‘url(${process.env.PUBLIC_URL})’ to connect my local image but for unknown reason the image would not show up. As displayed above, I’m trying to place the water-bottle.jpg image inside AboutUs.js file but the error is constantly saying ‘GET http://localhost:3001/images/water-bottle.jpg 500 (Internal Server Error)’. This is

is there a way to make JQuery animation functions blocking

JQuery animation functions are non-blocking, but i’m looking for a way to make them blocking. For example i want something like this: One solution I have found in other answers is to use callbacks, so this can be achieved using a callback function like this: But i’m looking for a different solution (if possible) to make the call to fadeOut

How to add a blank div at certain indexes in Vue.js

I’m looking to add a ‘blank’ element at certain indexes when I loop through an array in Vue.js Above is a simplified version of my code that will render an ’empty’ div at index 1, but I’m looking to do this for multiple indexes that are being passed as an array to a prop dynamically ’emptyIndexes’ (eg. [0, 3, 7,

Auto fill input based on select dropdown in Vue JS

I’m looking solution for how to auto fill input in vue js. I have a form which include of input type text, select dropdown, quantity, etc. I want when the select dropdown is selected, then the quantity of vCPU, vRAM, and Storage Capacity will be automatically filled with the value according to the selected Server Flavor. I tried to choose

Axios PUT request not sending all data to server JS

My problem is that I am sending an axios request with certain data, however, not all of the data is being updated in the user model. See my code below: Front-End code with axios request: User model in the backend: Update controller in the backend: Address and phone number are updating correctly, however, nationalid will not update for the life

How to fix error “Failed to compile : ./node_modules/@react-leaflet/core/esm/path.js 10:41 Module parse failed: Unexpected token (10:41)”

I am trying to create a react-typescript app along with leaflet. I used the command, npm install leaflet react-leaflet @types/react @types/leaflet –save to install the dependencies. But when I start the application it says, Here’s my package.json Here’s map/index.tsx I tried reinstalling dependencies several times but still didn’t work. I understand this is a simple issue and an error that
