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In JavaScript, manually controlling order of event listeners

Assuming that FORM contains INPUT, have the following listeners: JavaScript Desired order of firing Nature of problem and attempted solutions Own code at FORM level, formFirst, formLast and middle, but have no access to INPUT code, inputFirst and inputLast – although could add own listeners on the INPUT. Attempt 1 modify formFirst() to create and dispatch a new change Event

Actual key assigned to JavaScript keyCode

I have setup an event listener: When the user presses 2 along with shift, how do I know if I should output (@) or (“)? Each users’ character mapping is different per locale. Answer Use the keypress event instead. It will reliably (barring a few edge cases) detect the character typed. There are a few browser oddities (such as some

How to get subarray from array?

I have var ar = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] and want some function getSubarray(array, fromIndex, toIndex), that result of call getSubarray(ar, 1, 3) is new array [2, 3, 4]. Answer Take a look at Array.slice(begin, end)

html5, what is isContentEditable?

chrome supports the isContentEditable property (lists it in the “Inspect Element”), but reports false for INPUT, FORM – actually, everything. too me, for example, seems that INPUT, non-readonly, should be true. does anybody know what’s going on? Answer isContentEditable doesn’t have anything to do with forms and input boxes. It was designed to be a way to flag inline editable

Why is event.ctrlKey returning undef?

I am calling a JavaScript function when an option is selected in a select element like so: The function does something like this: According to the alert, e.ctrlKey is undefined – I thought this was supposed to return either true or false? What am I missing here? Answer As per the standard, the attribute ctrlKey is only available on MouseEvents
