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Is there any difference between a global variable and a property of the Global Object

I was reading the following analysis from David Mark about the js framework “Sencha”: and in there he states… What they wanted was a global variable, but they ended up with is a property of the Global Object. According the specifications and (and implementation history) there are enough differences between the two that care is required not to mix

Limit min/max integer on javascript variable

Im trying to make a talent calculator of sorts, clicking the ‘skill’ will decrease this variable and right-clicking will increase the variable. The problem i have is i want the variable to be limited from going over 50 or below 0. Now ive googled and searched here for variable limits and max integers but nothing gives me an idea how

Javascript not resolving worker path relative to current script

I have a script at http://localhost/js/foo.js which needs to spawn a Web Worker from the file http://localhost/js/fooWorker.js. I assumed I could just do something like this: However, this results in a 404 error, as the browser cannot find http://localhost/fooWorker.js. I was under the impression that worker paths were resolved relative to the script spawning the worker, so shouldn’t I just

Focus an enter key to a specific button

I am currently facing a problem. I need have a form to be fill by a user ie: So now I need the way to focus on the ‘Save’ button when a user has filled the last text box in a form, so that even when the user clicks on the ‘Enter’ button the save event get run. This usually

Returning values to JavaScript when calling an Objective-C function

I’ve been using WebViewJavascriptBridge to bridge Objective-C and JavaScript in an iOS application. It works great but it lacks support for returning values to the calling JavaScript code from the called native Objective-C function. I’m pretty sure that Cordova (PhoneGap) does that in some way with callbacks but I’ve been having a hard time trying to understand how the underlying

Change Height and Width of TextArea in codemirror

I am developing website which having xml, java programs. So i chose CodeMirror for displaying programs in TextArea. I had successfully displayed. It’s default height is 300px in codemirror.css. How to change Height and Width of TextArea programmatically in codemirror? Answer The CodeMirror user manual is your friend. Example code:
