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Is there a way to get all documents in a subcollection (Firestore)

I’m having difficulties querying all documents inside a subcollection in my Firestore database. (I am using Node.js) My goal is to get all the data from every document inside the subcollection named favorites My database structure looks like this. I looked at the documentation at but without any result how to solve the problem. My query looks like this

How to use SignalR to send data to a specific user?

I have a client which receives messages over SignalR. It is working great but it is more like a broadcast. I would like to be able to send messages to a specific client. On the client-side I have a userId and I set up my connection like this: On the server-side (Azure Function written in JavaScript) I have a message

extend existing API with custom endpoints

I’m creating an API for multiple customers. The core endpoints like /users are used by every customer but some endpoints rely on individual customization. So it might be that User A wants a special endpoint /groups and no other customer will have that feature. Just as a sidenote, each customer would also use his own database schema because of those

How to use windowWidth and windowHeight outside of setup()?

I need the screen dimensions for a project, but trying windowWidth and windowHeight yields an error saying I can’t use them outside of setup(). I also tried defining the windowWidth and Height to a new constant, but it simply says the constant has not been defined. Here’s the current state of my code (doesn’t work, but gives a pretty good

Ensure `click` event is seen by the content script

I’m writing an extension for Chrome that listen and capture the click events made by the user. This is the way I’m capturing the event It works good in many cases, but there’re other cases where click event never get triggered, instead there’re one or more focusout events that get triggered. I understad that focusout event may be shooted when
