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Tag: form-control

A problem with “No value accessor for form control with name”

I’m preparing a stackblitz for a problem that I have with child-parent communication, but along the way, I’ve been confronted with a different issue, namely, I’m getting the following error: No value accessor for form control with name: ‘endDateFC’. This happens also for startDateFC. I tried the following things from SO: I added ReactiveFormsModule and FormsModule I removed the duplicates

No value accessor for form control [duplicate]

This question already has answers here: Angular4 – No value accessor for form control (4 answers) Closed 8 months ago. I’m using Angular2-rc5, and I’m currently getting an error on my login page. I’m trying to make a form but the console throws exceptions telling me that it can’t find my formcontrolls even though I create it on init. Any
