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Tag: webpack

Unexpected token ‘export’ in lodash-es

I move from lodash to lodash-es in my typescript project . I installed lodash-es and @types/lodash-es. But when I compile using webpack my project it throw an error: I’m not sure what the problem and how to solve this error? Answer From your error, looks like you are trying to load a esm module in node (v14+), by default only

Can’t connect Vuetify to project

I followed offical documentation to install vuetify, but I’ve got trouble with that. When I am trying add vuetify to my project, I always get two types of errors: First type: P.S .app-main is my style class. Without vuetify it works fine. Second type: I am not sure what the affects are on changing errors, but they are changing when

Using Leader Line on VueJS

I am trying to download and run Leader Line on VueJS and had a few issues that were open online but with no absolute solution. I have installed leader-line via npm – npm install leader-line Then this is my code for the vuejs file. HTML: JavaScript: And I simply got this error message: Any help would be extremely appreciated, thank

How to dynamically import SVG and render it inline

I have a function that takes some arguments and renders an SVG. I want to dynamically import that svg based on the name passed to the function. It looks like this: According to the webpack documentation for dynamic imports and the magic comment “eager”: “Generates no extra chunk. All modules are included in the current chunk and no additional network

Webpack resolve alias and compile file under that alias

I have project which uses lerna ( monorepo, multiple packages ). Few of the packages are standalone apps. What I want to achieve is having aliases on few of the packages to have something like dependency injection. So for example I have alias @package1/backendProvider/useCheckout and in webpack in my standalone app I resolve it as ../../API/REST/useCheckout . So when I
