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Tag: webpack

Webpack, css-minimizer-webpack-plugin vs mini-css-extract-plugin

I am always using mini-css-extract-plugin to optimize CSS. Today I found a new project, css-minimizer-webpack-plugin from here, seems like this project do the same thing as mini-css-extract-plugin. What is the advantage of css-minimizer-webpack-plugin? I read the docs and article from google, seems no one is talking about it? Should I use css-minimizer-webpack-plugin to replace the mini-css-extract-plugin? Answer They are not

When importing a module from node_modules that uses route based lazy loading in create-react-app, should code splitting work in the same way?

I used create-react-app (react ^17.0.2, react-scripts 4.0.3) to knock up a simple application which uses route based lazy loading to perform code splitting. When I build this application I see separate chunks created per lazy loaded component and this all works fine as all my components are exported using default. My output is: I then updated my package.json file to

vue-cli – cannot build for development mode

I have a .env file in my project package.json When I run npm run build for the first time, it works. When I run it after that, it shows error: When I dig into the logs After I delete the public folder, it suddenly works Answer After I update the outputDir from public to build, it works. vue.config.js

How do I fix a “nodemon app crashed” error message?

I have just worked through chapter 2 of the book Full Stack React Projects, Second Edition. When I type into the Terminal yarn development to check my code, I get this error message: I have tried the following solutions: Deleting nodemone.json and re-creating the file Deleting the node modules file & re-installing it How do I fix this?
