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Tag: web

How to play different audio files on a single page

I would like to play different short audio clips on a single page by using different buttons, however the code I have means that all buttons will play only the first .mp3 located in the audio folder regardless of the html code I have that specifies which button will play which audio clip (example below). Could you help me with

Trying to duplicate flexible banner as seen in video

Im trying to duplicate something like what is shown in the video. I have 2 blocks of div. One containing a random image and another a video and im trying to make them flexible and identical as possible to the video. How can I approach this? I tried using flex box to align them horizontally then media query them to

Boolean logic interpretation in google chrome console

I’m having difficulties figuring out why the code below doesn’t work as expected: I keep getting “TRUTHY” no matter what I do. I understand the logic of this code and even when running the source file from the class I’m not getting the expected output. I should get “FALSY” whenever the input is: 0, null, undefined, an empty string or

java getelementbyid set to a variable

i have a simple function but for some reason, when i call the function, i get an error that says that i cant know what style null is. i want the x button to close the “window” when clicked, but it wont to do that. css: html: js Answer You have to set the initial value of style.display in your

Lit-element – Importing a component inside another component and then accessing the DOM of the imported component

I’ve honestly racked my brain on this for a couple days. I’m decently new to lit-element and web components in general. Basically, I’m building a new component called <date-picker> and it uses the Flatpickr plugin. This Date Picker component imports another component called <textfield>. Inside of that component there is a wrapper(.date-picker) with an input field and an icon. I
