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Tag: vuejs2

How to clean up v-bind directives from html code in Vue?

Ok, I’ve got some Vue code and HTML. For example: And in my page: It all works, but if I read the page source, I see the v-bind:selects=”selects” portion, which is not standard compliant, I guess. Similarly, other components have other object properties like: which on the page source evaluates to something like: which is obviously not desirable. How do

2 components almost identical to each other. The only difference is that each component has a different GET request. Merge them?

I currently have 2 components which are almost identical to each other. HTML structure and CSS rules are the same and the only difference is that on mounted() of these components, a different GET request is made. One gets all the visited places and one gets all wishlisted place. The response to both GET request has the same structure, it

Cannot specify url in .env file vue cli 3

I’m referring to the documentation about environment variables in vue cli 3. I’m able to set it up and get simple variables to show up but my url in the .env file doesn’t show up. Contents of the .env file: Here is how I’m viewing the env: The API_URL is not visible, am I doing something wrong? Answer Refer to

Vuelidate: setting $model does not update component

Given the following Vue component that uses Vuetify and Vuelidate: I would like to programmatically change the value of this.picker. I tried both changing the v-model as well as the Vuelidate $model: and Neither of them caused a change in the UI nor produced an error message. How can I programmatically update the DatePicker’s value? Answer Try just assigning v-model

Vue How to Merge Two Arrays From Same Object?

I am pulling data from an API that gives me an object of items, each containing a string named correct_answer and an array named incorrect_answers. I am trying to combine those values within each item, so when I do v-for, it will loop through the answers merged together in one loop. I also want to randomize the order of those
