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Tag: vuejs2

In Vue, what parameters does createElement() actually get?

(This is a further question after this one: In Vue, what is the relationship of template, render, VNode?) Found createElement()’s source code (from here): Code main.js: (partly) App.vue: Questions A. In App.vue, export default {} will return an empty object, is that correct? B. In main.js: B-1. import App from ‘./App.vue’, will bind App to the empty object, is that

Vuejs Multiple Style bindings?

i have a couple of different styling that needs to apply to a text. I am trying to bind the styles using array syntax as shown in the documentation: but not sure what i’m doing wrong. I have created a pen for demonstration: The computed property style is the one i am trying to apply as well which

Vuetify adds scrollbar when it’s not needed

I created a new project with vue-cli, then added vuetify with vue add vuetify. Opened the site and saw a blank page with a useless scrollbar I tried mounting app without actually App component, but the problem still exists. It vanishes only when I remove import ‘./plugins/vuetify’ main.js Answer Just add the following to your css style : This default

Embed Vue component within Shopify store

Within a product page, I am trying to display a custom Vue component. For brevity, the component displays some information from a Firebase database based on the given product id. I originally tried to make this a Shopify app so I could access their APIs. I implemented OAuth and can retrieve the required information. However, actually including the component within
