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Tag: vue-router

How to use Vue router query params in hash mode?

I would like to access URL params in Vue methodology, other than using window.location.href and parsing. router/index.js Answer The code you showed for logging the query params is correct so there is a problem with the route. To create a link in the template, use a <router-link>: To route programatically in the script, use this.$router.push (or this.$router.replace): When you log

Having difficulty adding a second route

So I’m new to VueJs so excuse any mistakes I make here. I have a simple front end application, which is meant to be two pages long. There’s an index route and a game route. The game route takes a path variable name that is meant to be displayed on the screen. I’ve added the route, imported the components but

Vue-router change query dynamically in navigation stepper

There is this project I’m working on and I’m stuck. I want when I click next step button the route becomes and so on. I’m using Vue.js and vue-router. How do I make this happen? I have included the router.js and a screenshot if necessary. router.js next handler Answer this.$router.push({ path:this.$route.path, query: { step: this.current } })

Validating JWT Token in vue.js Router

I am using the following code to generate a JWT token: Once generated, I send the token to the client, which stores it within a cookie: Furthermore, I am using vue.js Router for my navigation. From my understanding, if one adds the following code in the router file, one can insert middle-ware in order to protect some routes. However, I

How to disable a vuejs router-link?

I have a single-page app that i’ve created using vue, and the nav links are all done using router-link tags. There are a couple of items in the nav that my boss wants to have in the nav but disabled so that people can get a glimpse of some features that will be coming soon. However I can’t figure out
