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Tag: vue.js

Why the vue-lang do not work with filter?

I using vue-lang. It works, but not completely ISSUE in the JSON file there is an example of: and then this code as a filter But when I do it by example so there is an error here MY FILES main.js lang/cs.json views/login.vue Still does not work. What am I doing wrong? Answer I’m not familiar with this particular library

Echarts.js: Detect a click on a subset of data

I want to detect a click on a particular subset in a bar chart. As I want to init a new chart after the click, with the data from the clicked subset. Currently when I click on chart bars, I get data of the whole chart and can’t retrieve data of just one bar. Here is what I have: Answer

Bootstrap button plugin conflicting with Vue checkbox click event

When I add bootstrap.min.js to my Vue application my checkboxes @click event is not being initiated. More specifically when using bootstrap’s button-group with data-toggle=”buttons” If I remove bootstrap.min.js then the checkbox click event works as normal. What is causing this? Link to Codepen Bootstrap Button plugin Answer Vue and Jquery are not meant to be together and

Is it possible to use Vuex mapActions inside an exported module

Is it possible to call Vuex mapActions from a separate module that’s imported into a component? I’m trying to standardize a set of functions in a vue.js web app. I’d like to import them into each component and pass some values the to function operate. I’m using vuex to manage state. Currently each component calls these functions each time they’re

Vue.js component custom non-reactive properties safe name

What is a safe naming for custom properties for component instance? What is the recommended way to store component-specific but non-reactive data? some reasoning: While working with Vue.js, from time to time end up in a situation which I need to store some static data within the component instance. As far as I understand Vue, a component instance can be

creating abstract components that can manage external data

Currently I use Vuetify for base components and would like to create reusable extensions. For example a list containing checkboxes, a datatable column with some functionality etc. For this question I will take the list containing checkboxes example. I created the following component called CheckboxGroup.vue This component takes an array of objects as a property and creates a checkbox for
