My mutations which changes root state stopped working But changing inner value is working Answer This state = … changes state local variable (parameter), it cannot affect anything that happens outside this function. { …state, …payload } shouldn’t be done in Vue because it doesn’t force immutable state the same way as React. Initial state should be generally set on
Tag: vue.js
button function to sum of two numbers using Vuejs
I’m trying to display the sum of two numbers using VueJs, but I want to develop this code so it would get the sum when the user clicks the button. please help me! Answer
Will a computed property stop computing if a dependency is updated during execution?
Lets say you have a computed property that filters and sorts an array of values based on a user’s input. If the user begin filtering values from the array, and the sorting value changes during the computation of the filtering, will the computed property continue the execution of the filtering, or will the computed property jump to the next calculation
Vue click event not emitting properly to div
As shown in the code, I want to get a click event to trigger the pop up ‘add-day-form’ which is a component. But by putting the @click=”showModal = true” in the wrapping div, when the pop up appears I cannot seem to press the close button that emits the close event. I only get it to close if i put
Is it possible to put a bullet in a v-for?
The table The data that is in the Database it is only separated by commas. Frontend structure. The output that I needed My code: How can I achieve this? Answer First split string into array and then loop the array
Vue.js render previous chat messages without changing the postition of current messages on screen
I use v-for to render the message list. when the first batch of messages are rendered, I use scrollIntoView() on the newest one so the container scrolls to bottom. as the user scrolls up I fetch previous messages to create a seamless scroll. the problem is that when new messages are rendered, the scroll goes to the top of the
Define global variables to use inside components
I have a Laravel 8 project, with vue-sweetalert2 installed. I’d like to define the Toast behaviour once, and then call it inside my components. By now I have this code: /js/components/Mypage.vue This works fine, of course, but as you can see Toast is defined inside the method, and I cannot re-use it somewhere else. I’d like to define it inside
How to filter array with multiple conditions in Vuejs?
I am trying to achieve functionality like, Initially the array will be loaded with the help of v-for. At the top I have two options called search-bar and dropdown. Where With the help of those I am trying to filler the array. Where with search-bar, I want to filter array values. With dropdown, I want to filter the status present
How to make Provide and Inject Reactive in Vue?
I am trying to pass data using provide and inject but the injected data is not reactive, can any help me to make it reactive. I am changing the ‘ParentName’ after 3 sec using mounted hook’ In child component, i am injecting the value But I am getting the injected name as ‘Initial Value’, not getting the updated value as
Vuejs : rendering dynamic link in a button base on probs
I have a create button above my table, I’m trying to render dynamic :to v-bind Since I have access to {{title}} Ex. {{title}} = apple, orange, any string I’ve tried I get Try #2 to=”{title}/create” link redirect wrong! http://localhost:8080/%7Btitle%7D/create Try #3 to=”{{title}}/create” crashed !! Answer vue-directives are ALWAYS wrapped with double-quotes, even if you are using template literal