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Tag: variables

What is the best way to define dependent variables in an object?

In the Google developers recommendation for optimizing JavaScript code, they mention that the best way to declare/initialize new variables for object is to use the prototype. For instance, instead of: Use: However, in my case I have a dependency between variables, for instance: Using this.toWhom outside of the main constructor body or a method function of the object will yield

Pass variables by reference in JavaScript

How do I pass variables by reference in JavaScript? I have three variables that I want to perform several operations to, so I want to put them in a for loop and perform the operations to each one. Pseudocode: What is the best way to do this? Answer There is no “pass by reference” available in JavaScript. You can pass

JavaScript: Split array into individual variables

Considering this data structure: Looping through each vehicles item, is there a way to reassign the array elements to individual variables all in one shot, something like: … I’m trying to get away from doing: Just curious since this type of thing is available in other programming languages. Thanks! Answer Now it is possible using ES6’s Array Destructuring. As from

Get all Javascript Variables?

Is there a way for javascript to detect all assigned variables? For example, if one js file creates a bunch of vars (globally scoped), can a subsequent file get all the vars without knowing what they’re named and which might exist? Thanks in advance 🙂 EDIT, Question Part 2: How do I get the values of these variables? Here is
