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Tag: validation

How to allow only English letters in input fields?

So, this is my input field: How can I allow only English letters? This is the RegEx, I believe I should use: /[A-Za-z]/ig I am assuming that onChange() event should be used for this with the combination of setState() and Thanks. PS. I need to have this WHILE typing. Answer I would try this onChange function: See the

Regex windows path validator

I’ve tried to find a windows file path validation for Javascript, but none seemed to fulfill the requirements I wanted, so I decided to build it myself. The requirements are the following: the path should not be empty may begin with x:, x:\, , // and followed by a filename (no file extension required) filenames cannot include the following special

How to share some code among components in Vue

I have component with code like that: I would like to share myValidator and response in order to doesn’t repeat that code in many components. But, probably, because of lack of knowledge in Javascript I have not idea how to do that. So any advice will be appreicate. Answer Vue.js is incredibly flexible. There are multiple options available. To share

Validating object structure in vue.js

I’m currently building a component in vue.js and I have a bit of a problem. You see, there’s a lot of parameters you can give to my component, so for the sake of clarity, I decided to go with the approach below: Basically, I define an object containing the necessary parameters and I give that to my component. The thing

TypeError: this.form._updateTreeValidity is not a function

I’m currently using Angular Forms version 2.0.0 and trying to make a contact us modal with a contact form inside. Immediately after the ContactComponent loads, I get: EXCEPTION: this.form._updateTreeValidity is not a function I’ve already seen some other stack posts suggesting that using FormGroup instead of FormBuilder to init the form object in the component constructor is now standard with

validate field after setting value via jQuery

I have asp net MVC project. And I have form with few inputs in view. For client side validation I use two libraries: jquery.validate.js and jquery.validate.unbrostive.js For example I have field email: If I press “submit” button with empty field , it shows me an error “Email field required” Ok. If after message has been shown I put value in

Validate ASP.NET Dropdownlist Control with bootstrap Validator

I have a asp dropdownlist <asp:DropDownList ID=”ddIndProvince” data-style=”btn-default” CssClass=”form-control input” runat=”server” AutoPostBack=”True” OnSelectedIndexChanged=”ddIndProvince_SelectedIndexChanged” TabIndex=”8″></asp:DropDownList> On Page load event I inserted “–Select–” item at index 0. Now I am facing problem while I am validating it with bootstrap validator. Its returning valid for “–Select–” item. like below image. How I can validate this.Below us my current script Answer bootstrapValidator is validating

Reset Password Using Html and javascript

I Have a requirement where i have 3 input fields namely 1.old password password 3.confirm password. For which i need to apply rules as follows. 1.Old and new passwords should not match. 2.No field should be empty. 3.New password and confirm password inputs should be same. If all these validations passes then only form should be submitted. Here is

Javascript Input type=”color” validation for form

Beginner level with Javascript and have a question regarding the input type color. I am trying to make the user choose the color black before proceeding with next page of the form. The default color is yellow. Could someone please help me with this and explain where I have gone wrong or missing something? And have done research to try

how to restrict special characters and ( /,*,+) only

We have one text Field.We know how to restrict special characters.But We need Allow alphabet and Numbers and hyphen(-) only.No need Sepcial characters but except (-) . Give me any idea. Mycode: If we tried this code it’s restrict spectal charecters but it’s allow -,/,+ Please guide me only allow number and alphabet and hyphen only Answer replace this section:
