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Tag: use-state

Controlled from in React

I’m new in react and I’m a bit confused about how React runs update on every new input’s keystroke, for exapmpe, this is the form and I want to update the state on every keystroke What I don’t understand here is the update cycle, my understanding is the following: As the input’s value is tied to react state, the initial

Show/Hide Component by passing useState Value React

I’m building a website with React and Bootstrap which would have a static footer. The footer will contain two buttons – Back, and Next. Clicking ‘back’ decrements an index, and clicking ‘next’ would increment the index. Ideally this index would keep track of which js component to show or hide using a ternary statement with with display: ‘inline’ or ‘none’.

How to update texts in React

Good evening everyone, I am trying to create an online application to take quizzes in order to practice for exams. My problem is as follows: I have the following ‘App’ component: And its output is the following image: Where as we can see, the active navbar element and the Home sign that is between the navbar and the component below

ReactJS counter or timer with Start or Stop Button

Need help to understand in useEffect, if I don’t put counter and timerCheck in useEffect dependency then what it will effect here. And if I put timerCheck dependency in useEffect then counter increasing 100 time faster Also how can i run this code without any error or warning code in codesandbox Answer Try not to declare unnecessary states. timerCheck state
