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Tag: use-state

How to generate data for the child component?

Here is the parent code: Here is the child code: The expected result is that: When the user picks a month from the MonthPicker, the parent component submit the select month and year to server. Get the result from the server and then send the result to the child component. The actual result is that the child components show its

React UseState truthy/falsy

I’m trying to initialize some state for my form component with data from the redux store. If the shippingAddress object is null, I want to set properties of formData object to empty strings. Not sure how to get it to work. Currently I am receiving an error message saying TypeError: Cannot read property ‘address’ of null Answer You could accomplish

State from react useState is updated when key property is used but requires useEffect or similar method to update otherwise

I have the following component: It is rendered via the following component: It renders the following list: As you can see props.text and useState item from props.text are rendered equally. If props.text is updated it does not reflect on useState though. I can solve it by useEffect to make it work: However If I add key={`${item.text?.text}-${item.sortableId}`} to

React – useState property not updating

I’m having trouble with react useState hook. I’m trying to clean the state on a dialog close. But theres’s always one property that does not gets updated. Buttons: —- Edit —- That button opens a dialog box which has a textfield: This is how the dialog box open and closes: This is the state: This is the edit button click:
