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Tag: url

Blogger post url prefix

It looks like this when I use data:post.url in Blogger; the shape I want to show; /2021/04/post-name.html How can I achieve this? Answer You can do that with JavaScript Edit Place the following code before </body>

Current page URl check by JavaScript

I have tried to check the URL by this function. If we use single text then its working, but when we put the URL it’s not working. Answer You mention the wrong regex in your code, Here you will get a syntax error. Instead of this, you can use regex like, OR

react-cropper URL insanely long

I’m trying to save cropped images using react-cropper. It seems to work as intended, but the URL that gets saved is crazy long. The console log of the data package alone is often over 100kb, and that’s just a data URL. When I console log (and send to a DB) I store a value that starts with … and then

Get req params in client Javascript

Say I have a string like This string matches the pattern From the above string, how do I extract the userId and gameId values no matter their length(so not substring) I know in ExpressJS you can do But I need this to work in client side Javascript Is there any way to do this? Answer The URL API is a

How to generate unique urls and pages with template?

I am building a petition site where you can create/join petitions. I have made a page where there is table filled with many pre-created petition titles and I want to make that when people click on any petiton title, they would get to another page that gets data from my database and fills it by a template(title, description and etc)

How to remove ? (question mark) from url when it is not followed by any parameters?

I have a form that sends a get request to the server. the input parameters are sent to the server in QueryString. This is my form: Before submitting the form, the following JavaScript method is executed to remove the empty input parameters from the form: So if user enters some input, the request would be: ulr: host-name/Home/Browse?Term=some-term&Address=some-address If all the
