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Tag: twitter-bootstrap

Why Bootstrap 3 Collapse is not synchronized with checkbox state on double click?

According to this question: “Twitter Bootstrap 3 collapse when checkbox checked” i’ve tried this solution, because it is simple and clean. But with this “solution” you have a problem. If you click the checkbox too fast, the area is collapsed but the checkbox is checked. How can i prevent this double clicking problem? I am using: Bootstrap 3 jQuery

Bootstrap 4 File Input

I am struggling with bootstrap 4 file browser. If I use custom-file-control I will see Choose file value all the time. I would like to change the value of choose file after the file has been chosen. This value is actually hidden in css .custom-file-control:lang(en)::after and I do not know how to access and change it in javascript. I

Bootstrap multiselect blur event not triggering

I’m trying to do some logic after user completes a selection and moves away from a bootstrap multi-select dropdown. I tried hooking into the blur event: Defining a onBlur function in my viewModel: But it never kicks-in. I even tried setting the event binding directly without the $root.onBlur, just blur: onBlur but didn’t work. Here is a sample JS fiddle:

React Bootstrap Components not displaying

I’m trying to test out the carousel but when I load the page it is blank. I installed react bootstrap with npm. The carousal code is from I looked at my web console and I don’t have any warnings or errors either. carousal.js index.js index.html Answer Found the solution. It is not Bootstrap related but rather how I was

Bootstrap date time picker

I am trying to implement the date time picker as explained here, I have downloaded the js file css file to the directory js and css. But the calendar is not popup up when click on icon. Answer All scripts should be imported in order: jQuery and Moment.js Bootstrap js file Bootstrap datepicker js file Bootstrap-datetimepicker requires moment.js to

Bootstrap multiselect select all options at instanciation

I am using bootstrap multiselect plugin to add dynamically code into an select. Here is my code: Html: Javascript When the multiple select is instancied, it appears as such in the browser (there is some css formatting explaining its aspect): Whereas I would like it to appear as (with all checkbox selected at instanciation, without to click on ‘select all’):
