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Tag: twitter-bootstrap

Open a specific accordion panel with an external anchor link

I have a bootstrap accordion setup and working fine. I need to have links on external pages which will: A) Take you to the specified panel within the accordion B) Open the specified panel The link structure needs to be in this format (example): Page.html#collapseTwo (the ‘collapseTwo’ will change, of course, depending on the panel) The HTML: The JS: Answer

Bootstrap carousel caption

I am implement carousel using below code. In this i want two caption as per carousel slide. So i will add one more caption div but it’s not working properly.I need one caption for top left corner of the carousel another one bottom of the carousel. I am not aware of css so please help anyone. Answer I think the

React-Bootstrap grid contents not displaying

I created a grid inside of a react-bootstrap Jumbotron, but when I export it to my app.jsx none of the grid contents are displayed (but the Jumbotron and my custom styles are) All of my other components are working fine, so I’m not sure why this isn’t. App.js: SectionThree.jsx: howItWorks.jsx: Answer React components should always start with uppercase letter: There
