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Tag: svg

SVG path with stroke fills the svg element

I have a set of coordinates that can be used to create a polygon in google maps. I used the mercantor-projection formula described in this answer to convert it into a set of points (x,y) that can be used in an svg . The conversion was successful and it was rendered properly. The snippet below renders well without the setting

How to display svg image after load?

I have an input file type: Method opens file: Method reads a data: So when I load a SVG image I get content of it. How to place image in block id=”block” based data? SVG image looks like: As you can see image file has svg tag. For readAsText I get this: For readAsDataURL: Answer Maybe i think it too

How to add grid lines to a Chart in Javascript

I’m new to Javascript, and through exploring various websites I have created a draggable points line chart. The data points are movable and the line connecting the dots is made invisible. The data points will move vertically only. I want to have grid lines with this chart. I tried but have not able to achieve it. Can someone help me

Add text to SVG path dynamically

I have an SVG exported from Adobe Illustrator with several paths like this, which produces a small polygon I intend to use as a text box I’d like to dynamically add text to it. I’ve seen many similar questions here, but most of them involed specifying a x and y property for a text element based on the x and

Insert circular text into sections in SVG using Javascript

It’s me again with my “Wheel of life” thing. But since last time i’ve got many steps further. I actually arrived at the final step, adding text in sections. Here is the code I have so far (open in full screen): So as you can see, the inputs to get the text are added below the previous one. I need

Svg animations replaying in the same spot

I am working on a tower defense game with HTML, CSS, and JS. I want to be able to create svg circles that will follow a path using an svg animation. In order to do this, I wrote this code: The first time I run the attackerSvg function, everything works fine. A circle is created at the start of the
