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Tag: svg

Drawing A Rotated Path2D Object on canvas

I have a canvas where i want to draw a rotated svg. In order to achieve this, i created a Path2D object and used the context.fill() option to draw the svg. Moreover, I used context.translate(x , y) inorder to position the svg. Now, the issue i how to rotate this? I found some solutions where it stated that first use

How can I make rects from JSON?

I’m doing a project to learn d3 visualization and I’m stack recs aren’t appearing. Could you help me? I tried to put a simple array for data and it worked, I could only flip y, but with this JSON data. nothing works Answer The issue is that XMLHttpRequest is asynchronous and you are defining the d3 logic outside of

Can’t append simple svg to body element

I know this is a super easy question. But I am apparently missing something super obvious. I just want to create an svg element with D3 and see it on my page. My index.htmllooks like this: Whereas my selections.js looks like this: The first console.log() is still visible in the console. But I cant see the svg. I know I

How to convert svg polyline to bezier curve?

Trying to get cooresponding Bezier curve in path from svg polyline. Polyline: to Path: How to achieve this prefering using javascript otherwise python? Edit: i finaly work with big size then convert the polyline points to line L and then downsize on desired size, it’s look like curve and work for my need. Much more simpler than curve. The @enxaneta

SVG: how to draw multiple semicircles (arcs) path

Using the answer from this thread I was able to draw a semicircle (arc): What I’m trying to achieve is to be able to draw an SVG as a path consistent with many arcs (semicircles) and be able to set fill on them. Something like this: Is there a better way to achieve a simpler path? For now, it looks

How to get all corners of path?

I have a SVG path. How to get all extremum points from this path? (points of corners)? I have tried to get all points using this: For exmaple from this Path I need to get coordinates of 4 points, because it is rectangle: Answer The getPointAtLength() method gets any point along an SVGGeometryElement regardless of if it’s a corner or

Why using SVG in cell forces table to 100% width?

I’m building table that should display data in a reasonable way. And don’t take 100% width if it’s not needed. The problem is that in one column I use line chart, and when I build that chart with div it works well, but when I use SVG the table takes 100% (I prefer to use SVG as it more flexible).

Inline SVG css animation not working on Safari

I’m using the latest version of these: This is the CSS I am using to achieve the desired CSS animation effects across literally all browsers except Safari. The grow-divider animation works perfectly, and another irrelevant one works perfectly as well on a different page. The only one I cannot get to work only on Safari is the grow-buttons animation. Yes

How to change an svg image after onClick()?

I have a div tab that contains some text and an svg icon like so Once I click that tab then it expands like so Once expanded I want the svg icon to change to something else. So far my code isn’t throwing me any errors but also isn’t working as expected either. I currently have a function that should
